Albuquerque's First Theater

The Albuquerque Opera House, Albuquerque's first building constructed as a theater, was completed in May 1882 on property owned by Nicolas T. Armijo. The main entrance to the auditorium was ten feet wide, with a side door on Second Street six feet wide. The auditorium was furnished with comfortable chairs, seating 600 people. The room, exclusive of the stage, was 45 by 70 feet, with private boxes on the side. The stage had an elevation of three feet and ran the whole width of the building, with the exception of the room occupied by the wings. The dressing rooms were located in the rear of the stage. The building was lit up by three large gas chandeliers and numerous drop lights. The entrance to the auditorium was flanked on each side by large rooms which housed a saloon.[1]
The Opera House was operated by W.A. Smith and Snyder, about whom very little is known. “Smith came to Albuquerque from Addison, New York, around 1880 and settled in Old Town. At his former home, he had lost all of his property by a disastrous fire, and when he arrived in this city, his capital consisted of seventy dollars. He immediately invested this small sum in a stock of notions and commenced business. He prospered and continued to add to his stock until he was comparatively well situated financialy. He purchased a lot and erected a building and moved his business there in the winter of 1881. He then put in a large stock of books and stationary. His prosperity was apparently all anyone could desire, but he imaged that he could see a fortune in an opera house in this city of over 7,000 people.[2]
On June 13, 1882, the Opera House opened with a four night’s engagement of “The Phoenix” performed by the Milton Nobles company. Each night was greeted with a full house. “The Phoenix” was a creation of Milton Nobles, from which the then famous comedian gained his reputation.[3] Despite its immediate success, the opera house was a losing enterprise from the start. By the beginning of September 1882, Smith and Snyder tried to rent out the two story, 18-room building. Financial troubles eventually lead to Smith’s financial ruin and death that November (1882).[4]
Management of the Opera House was taken over in early October 1882 by two black minstrels (i.e., white men who portrayed blacks by painting their faces) named Charles A. Boyd and Thomas Wade. They made extensive repairs to the opera house and reopened it on October 14, 1882. It was a typical variety theater of the 1870s. The performances were of the lowest order. The main business was the sale of drinks, and the actresses were compelled to work up business for the bar, for which they received a percent of the cost.[5]
The Opera House was operated by W.A. Smith and Snyder, about whom very little is known. “Smith came to Albuquerque from Addison, New York, around 1880 and settled in Old Town. At his former home, he had lost all of his property by a disastrous fire, and when he arrived in this city, his capital consisted of seventy dollars. He immediately invested this small sum in a stock of notions and commenced business. He prospered and continued to add to his stock until he was comparatively well situated financialy. He purchased a lot and erected a building and moved his business there in the winter of 1881. He then put in a large stock of books and stationary. His prosperity was apparently all anyone could desire, but he imaged that he could see a fortune in an opera house in this city of over 7,000 people.[2]
On June 13, 1882, the Opera House opened with a four night’s engagement of “The Phoenix” performed by the Milton Nobles company. Each night was greeted with a full house. “The Phoenix” was a creation of Milton Nobles, from which the then famous comedian gained his reputation.[3] Despite its immediate success, the opera house was a losing enterprise from the start. By the beginning of September 1882, Smith and Snyder tried to rent out the two story, 18-room building. Financial troubles eventually lead to Smith’s financial ruin and death that November (1882).[4]
Management of the Opera House was taken over in early October 1882 by two black minstrels (i.e., white men who portrayed blacks by painting their faces) named Charles A. Boyd and Thomas Wade. They made extensive repairs to the opera house and reopened it on October 14, 1882. It was a typical variety theater of the 1870s. The performances were of the lowest order. The main business was the sale of drinks, and the actresses were compelled to work up business for the bar, for which they received a percent of the cost.[5]

The newspaper didn’t care for the activities at the Opera House, as exemplified by an article concerning the closing night of a particularly bad performance troupe. “From night to night they have grown worse, and at Sunday night was to be the last of their performance, they decided to outdo their former vulgarity, but Mr. Wade objected, and sent them word requesting them to strike out the vulgar portions of the play. To this Mr. Montague replied that he had made his living in that way and he didn’t propose to be dictated to now by anybody. Mr. Leavitt told him he must either give up the play or strike out the vulgar parts whereupon Montague began abusing Leavitt and the latter struck him. Then James Reiley struck Leavitt with a club. Mr. Wade rushed to the stage and endeavored to stop the fuss, but Montague struck him which was the signal for a general fracas indulged in by the whole troupe, most everyone concerned getting a scratch or two for their trouble. It is sincerely to be hoped that this will end these free and easy plays at the opera house, and no more Montagues be allowed on the stage.”[i]
After less than a year operating the Albuquerque Opera House, Boyd and Wade dissolved their partnership and moved from Albuquerque.[ii]
After less than a year operating the Albuquerque Opera House, Boyd and Wade dissolved their partnership and moved from Albuquerque.[ii]
[x] “Theatrical History Started with the New Town,” Albuquerque Journal, June 30, 1935, p. 15.
[1] “The Opera House,” Albuquerque Journal, May 12, 1882,
[1] “Death of W. A. Smith,” Albuquerque Journal, November 7, 1882, p. 4
[1] “The Phoenix,” Albuquerque Journal, October 14, 1882, p. 4.
[1] “Death of W. A. Smith,” Albuquerque Journal, November 7, 1882, p. 4.
[1] “Theatrical History Started with the New Town,” Albuquerque Journal, June 30, 1935, p. 15.
[1] “The Opera House Row,” Albuquerque Journal, March 13, 1883, page 1.
[1] Albuquerque Journal, June 13, 1883.
[1] “The Opera House,” Albuquerque Journal, May 12, 1882,
[1] “Death of W. A. Smith,” Albuquerque Journal, November 7, 1882, p. 4
[1] “The Phoenix,” Albuquerque Journal, October 14, 1882, p. 4.
[1] “Death of W. A. Smith,” Albuquerque Journal, November 7, 1882, p. 4.
[1] “Theatrical History Started with the New Town,” Albuquerque Journal, June 30, 1935, p. 15.
[1] “The Opera House Row,” Albuquerque Journal, March 13, 1883, page 1.
[1] Albuquerque Journal, June 13, 1883.