Historic Fairview Cemetery

As historian for Historic Fairview Cemetery, Susan Schwartz keeps busy answering public inquiries into the cemetery and its "residents." To facilitate this process and ensure the accuracy of the cemetery's records, Susan developed a data base so the grave sites can be more easily identified and located.
Recently, Susan began interviewing descendents of individuals interred at Historic Fairview. The information, stories and pictures she collects will be put in a book, to provide a comprehensive history of the cemetery. She is currently looking for a wide variety of people (not just the "currently famous") to interview. Afterall, it took a melting pot of individuals to make Albuquerque what it is today.
Recently, Susan began interviewing descendents of individuals interred at Historic Fairview. The information, stories and pictures she collects will be put in a book, to provide a comprehensive history of the cemetery. She is currently looking for a wide variety of people (not just the "currently famous") to interview. Afterall, it took a melting pot of individuals to make Albuquerque what it is today.